The images conjured up when you mention women’s bodybuilding are often flawed. When we speak of women’s bodybuilding, we’re not talking about beefed up women with huge muscles who resemble their male counterparts. No, women’s bodybuilding is much more than that.
The Rising Popularity of Women’s Bodybuilding – Bodybuilding 101 with Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Elite Fitness Trainer, Certified Bodybuilding Coach, Certified Sports Nutritionist
Bodybuilding for women means working out for fitness sculpting a tight, toned body. It means losing body fat and weight by working out with weights and performing a well-balanced cardio workout as well. It means taking good care of your body making it something you can really be proud of and show off.

The goals of bodybuilding are often misinterpreted especially when talking about women in bodybuilding. The art and science of bodybuilding largely focuses on aesthetic aspect of ideal human silhouette. It is absolutely not about huge ad disproportional muscles, but rather about balanced and polished proportions that define one’s physique. Ideal body composition is very different for males and females and therefore bodybuilding goals are different as well. Physiologically speaking, women are unable to grow muscles like men when they undertake a bodybuilding regimen. The testosterone that males naturally produce isn’t produced in a woman’s body in the same amount. Testosterone is what helps grow muscles, so unless women use testosterone supplements in their bodybuilding workout, they won’t grow the same way men do. Yet again, bodybuilding is not about huge muscles!
Women can follow the same bodybuilding guidelines as men when they are devising their workout program. You should have a well-balanced workout plan where you work each muscle group in your body at least one day a week. Focus on straining the muscles so you get maximum results out of the resistance that weights can supply.
An intense cardio workout is also important as it will give you the strength and energy you’ll need to continue your workout. Get on a treadmill or a stair step machine at least twice a week and work up a sweat. If you’re more comfortable with just doing a cardio workout when you’re not weight lifting, that’s fine. Try weight lifting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and do your cardio on Tuesday and Thursday.
Follow a strict diet plan also when you are undertaking a bodybuilding program. That doesn’t mean depriving yourself of food, that means changing your eating habits so that the things you put in your body work for you instead of against you. That means lots of protein and carbohydrates and cutting down on your sugar intake. You should also be drinking lots and lots of water as well.
Women’s bodybuilding is rising in popularity as more and more women have begun taking a real interest in the way their bodies look. As a sport, women’s bodybuilding is also a very competitive industry. When you undertake a fitness program, you should give it everything you have, but be sure you do it right. You don’t want to risk injury. What you do want is a great body you can be proud of. Now get out there and go for it!

If you are looking for some guidance in your new bodybuilding journey, consider reading my book “Bodybuilding Secrets Revealed“. This eBook covers everything there is to know about bodybuilding and it’s easily understandable to the average person! In fact, my clients have called it the “Bodybuilding Manual“! It’s like having your very own bodybuilding expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to! You’ll uncover a wide array of tips, including guidelines on how to correctly build up your body today! I myself was looking for a way to tone and build muscle, but it wasn’t easy when I first began! I mean, information on this isn’t easy to come by… Especially the kind of information I wanted to make bodybuilding easier. Everything kept pointing to expensive bodybuilding machines or personal trainers. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to get certified myself and on top of the fitness trainer program, completed specialized course focused on the art and science of bodybuilding itself. After that I polished my own bodybuilding experience and decided to create this definitive book on bodybuilding!
You’re going to discover so many things on building up your body with little effort! Not only will you discover the ease of bodybuilding, but you’ll also learn extra bonus tips to actually help other people, too. This Is Just “A Small Preview” At What You’ll Discover With Body Building – Body Building Secrets Revealed:
- Learn the terminology used.
- Discover how to setup your own workout plan.
- Find out exactly what bodybuilding will do for you.
- Discover how your diet plays a major role.
- Learn about the important nutrients that you need.
- Discover why carbohydrates are so important.
- Why you still need fat in your diet!
- Discover some sample meals to get you started.
- Learn how sleep affects your goals.
- Discover the power of supplements.
- Learn if supplementation is bad for you.
- Discover bodybuilding tailored for women.
- Learn about bodybuilding for teens.
- Plus much MUCH More!
This new breakthrough book is a guide, really. A guide as a result of years of searching, studying, and scouring hundreds of websites, stores, and magazines. And this isn’t one of those books in “code” where you don’t understand what’s being said. Everything is in plain English, so you can put the translation book away 🙂 This easy to read book on bodybuilding is completely comprehendible and won’t take weeks to read through.
So what are you waiting for? Download the best bodybuilding eBook right now and get on the journey of living the life of Victory!
Maxwell L. Alexander, MA, BFA, ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, ISSA Certified Bodybuilding Specialist