How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach - by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Are you having trouble staying motivated to hit the gym? If so, you’re not alone. Even the most passionate fitness enthusiasts have days when they don’t feel like working out. Fortunately, help is available! In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at some tips from Bodybuilding Coach Maxwell Alexander on how to stay motivated to workout. From setting goals to tracking progress, you’ll be sure to find some great advice here to help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach – by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Understand why you want to workout

Staying motivated to workout can be a challenge. There are times when you just don’t feel like doing it, or when life throws you a curveball and takes away your focus and energy. But, by understanding why you want to workout in the first place, you can stay motivated and continue to reach your fitness goals.

Bodybuilding coach Maxwell Alexander knows this all too well. He believes that taking the time to think about your motivation for wanting to get into shape is the key to staying focused and on track.

Maxwell encourages his clients to identify the reasons why they are exercising. It could be to lose weight, increase muscle strength, or just stay active and healthy. Once you know why you are working out, it’s easier to stay motivated.

Maxwell also recommends setting specific and realistic goals. Writing down what you want to achieve with your workouts helps keep you focused and prevents burnout. When creating goals, make sure they are measurable and achievable so that you can track your progress and stay motivated.

Finally, Maxwell Alexander suggests celebrating small victories along the way. Recognizing the positive results of your workouts will give you the motivation you need to continue making progress towards your overall goal.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach - by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach
How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach – by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Set realistic goals

When it comes to staying motivated to reach your fitness goals, it is important to set realistic expectations for yourself. A bodybuilding coach can help you create an effective plan that will help you stay motivated and reach your goals.

One of the most important things to consider when setting your fitness goals is to make sure they are achievable. Setting overly ambitious goals can be discouraging if you don’t see progress right away. Instead, start small and work your way up. Aim to make gradual improvements over time instead of aiming for a lofty goal in a short period of time. This will help you stay motivated and more likely to reach your goals in the long run.

Another way to stay motivated is to break your larger goal into smaller, manageable tasks. It can be difficult to stay motivated when you have a big goal in mind, but by breaking it down into smaller tasks, you can focus on completing one thing at a time and gradually building up to the larger goal.

Finally, enlist the help of a bodybuilding coach. A good coach will provide guidance and support throughout your journey and will be able to help you create a realistic plan that is tailored to your individual needs. They can also provide helpful advice on nutrition and exercise, as well as offer encouragement and support when things get tough. With the right coach, you’ll be sure to stay motivated and reach your fitness goals.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach - by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach
How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach – by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Find a workout buddy

When it comes to staying motivated to workout, one of the best pieces of advice I can give is to find a workout buddy. Having someone to hit the gym with on a regular basis can be a great way to stay on track and make sure you stick to your goals.

Having a workout buddy also helps keep things interesting. You can switch up your routine, try new exercises, and challenge each other to do more reps or heavier weights. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to get past a fitness plateau.

Having a workout buddy can also provide some much-needed accountability. When you know someone is expecting you to show up and train with them, you’re more likely to stick to your goals and make the most out of your workouts.

Finding the right workout buddy isn’t always easy, but it’s worth the effort. Start by asking around the gym or looking for people with similar fitness goals in your local community. Before you commit to training together, make sure you both share the same goals and are on the same page about what kind of commitment is expected from each person.

It’s also important to remember that having a workout buddy doesn’t mean you have to stick with the same routine all the time. It’s okay to take breaks and switch up your workouts when needed. Working out with someone else can be a great way to stay motivated and make sure you stick to your goals. So don’t be afraid to reach out and see if you can find the perfect workout buddy.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach - by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach
How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach – by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Create a workout playlist

When it comes to staying motivated and achieving your fitness goals, having the right music can make a big difference. Listening to music while you workout can provide an extra boost of energy, which can help you power through tough workouts and push yourself further than you would without music.

Creating a workout playlist is a great way to keep your motivation high. When creating a workout playlist, make sure to select songs that energize you and that you enjoy. You may want to try out different genres of music as well to mix things up and keep your routine fresh.

You can also find pre-made workout playlists online that have been curated by experts. These playlists are great for when you don’t have time to create your own. Once you’ve created or chosen your playlist, make sure to store it in an easily accessible location so you can access it quickly when you’re ready to work out.

Adding music to your workout routine can be a great way to stay motivated and stay on track with your fitness goals. With the right playlist, you’ll be sure to have an enjoyable workout experience every time.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach - by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach
How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach – by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Join a gym or fitness class

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated to workout is to join a gym or fitness class. Being surrounded by other people who have similar goals can be incredibly inspiring and motivating. Plus, having access to equipment and professional trainers can help you get the most out of your workouts.
No matter what type of fitness you’re interested in, there’s a gym or class for you. From yoga to CrossFit to HIIT, there are plenty of options out there to choose from. You can even try out different classes or gyms until you find one that works for you and your goals.

Once you join a gym or fitness class, try setting realistic goals for yourself so that you’ll stay motivated. Also, don’t forget to reward yourself when you achieve your goals! Whether it’s buying yourself new workout gear or going out for dinner, small rewards can go a long way in keeping you motivated and excited about working out.

Finally, remember that consistency is key. Don’t give up if you have a bad day—just keep going and stay focused on your long-term goals. By joining a gym or fitness class, setting realistic goals, and rewarding yourself when you reach them, you’ll stay motivated to workout and make progress towards your fitness goals.

How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach - by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach
How to Stay Motivated to Workout According to a Bodybuilding Coach – by Maxwell Alexander, MA, BFA, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

Reward yourself

It’s no secret that it can be difficult to stay motivated when it comes to working out and maintaining a fitness regimen. While having the right workout routine and setting achievable goals are key, rewarding yourself is a great way to stay motivated.

When it comes to working out, setting goals and tracking your progress is a great way to stay motivated. However, once you have achieved your goals, rewarding yourself with something special can go a long way in keeping you on track.

For example, if you set a goal of running 3 miles a day for a month, reward yourself with a new pair of running shoes once you have accomplished that goal. This will help remind you of why you are doing what you are doing and provide additional motivation to continue.

You could also reward yourself with something that doesn’t involve fitness, such as a new book, movie ticket, or anything else that would make you happy. The key is to reward yourself for meeting your goals and staying consistent.

Maxwell Alexander, a bodybuilding coach, recommends rewarding yourself for all the hard work you put in and taking pride in your accomplishments. Rewarding yourself after completing your workout is also a great way to celebrate your success and keep your motivation levels high.

No matter what rewards you choose, remember that working out should be fun and rewarding. Make sure you recognize your successes and reward yourself accordingly to ensure you stay motivated and continue reaching your goals.