Maxwell Alexander:
Wow, congrats on an amazing cover photoshoot, Sophia! I must say, natural beauty always rocks! Let’s don’t waste any time and get to your #FitLife cover story right away: What happened? How did you arrive at the decision to become a personal fitness trainer?
Sophia Martelly:
I went to college. I picked a random major. I wasted time and money. I had no idea what I wanted to do in life. I feel like many young people go through a phase of figuring out how to find themselves and their purpose in this crazy life. It seemed like everyone around me had it all figured out and had been on the track to their life goals and dreams. When I started to talk to others about how I was feeling the more I realized that so many people around me were in the exact same boat. There is no book that gives you directions to figure out life and everyone reaches their goals on their own timeline which can be considerably different than others around them. Don’t let this get you discouraged.
I came to a point where I knew that a dream job was not going to just be magically thrown at me. You have to work for what you want. No one is going to reach your goals for you.
I asked myself – What do you like and want to do? What is something that makes you effortlessly happy? What are you good at? I only had one answer….GYM! After years of second-guessing myself, asking these questions is what really helped me arrive at the decision to become a personal trainer.
I have always been active and played sports growing up, but I would have to say my passion for fitness really sparked when I was working at the front desk of a gym part-time. There I met so many new friends and people who loved to work out. I started working out with them and really learned and loved the art of training. I learned so many new techniques and diverse effective exercises.
I was working out at least 5 days a week for 2 hours each day. Some call it crazy, I call it passion.
Health and fitness have always been the focus of my life and as cliché, as it sounds – I turned my passion into my career. I began training myself, friends and family. Then I started the certification process and started professionally training at my local gym, Mac Fitness. I really love motivating my clients and pushing them to help reach their health and fitness goals. It is so satisfying to help others see results in their own fitness journey. I love what I do!
Maxwell Alexander: OMG, I can relate to like 99% of what you just said! In my case, I arrived at the fitness destination through my passion for design, which we will mention a bit later. For now, what’s your favorite thing about living and working in Kingston (the First Capital of New York)?
Sophia Martelly:
My favorite part about living in the Kingston area definitely has to be our natural surroundings! I live in such a beautiful part of the Hudson Valley. The gorgeous landscape has always been my favorite part of the area. I love to spend my free time outside. There are endless hiking trails, and so many outdoor activities. Even in the winter I love that I am so close to the mountains to snowboard, it’s so much fun and a great workout as well!
My favorite part about working in the Kingston area is the location and short distance to and from NYC. Many of my clients have moved up from the city and a lot of them are very inspiring. It is always cool to get different outlooks and perspectives and hear different people’s stories. I meet a lot of cool and unique people!
Maxwell Alexander:
Talking about proximity to the Capital of the World: What is your personal style and what is your definition of Hudson Valley Style?
Sophia Martelly:
My personal style is sporty. I’m in gym clothes every day of the week. I love that brands are making gym clothes that are functional yet non-frumpy.
I like to feel confident, strong, and sexy while I’m in the gym.
My definition of Hudson Valley Style has a lot to do with the beautiful landscape we live in. It also has to do with the diversity and beauty of the people who live here. We are one with the scenery around us. As a result, we are adventurous, friendly, earth conscious, ambitious, creative, and most importantly, a community.
Maxwell Alexander:
There is so much talk about artificial intelligence lately and particularly how it helps us to design and build better bodies for humans (motorized body parts at the moment), but what about our natural human intelligence? Isn’t what fitness trainers are doing since the age of the first Olympic games: creating better looking, stronger and more efficient human bodies? What’s your take on this?
Sophia Martelly:
These days there is so much you can do to enhance your body. It seems like there is a technological solution for almost any ailment you may have. The problem is that these high-tech fixes focus on symptoms of the problem, not the cause. For the most part, you wouldn’t need any “artificial intelligence” if you use your own logic and first prevent the problem through a daily healthy lifestyle, specifically your diet and fitness.
It’s so funny how technology can be so complex yet the real solution and prevention is something so simple – daily exercise and a healthy diet.
You are the designer of your own life and you are the designer of your own body.
Your daily actions and lifestyle choices will be your results. If you are lazy and make excuses you will be unhappy and not see a positive change. If you take action and put forth the effort, your results will show and you will reach your goals.
Some people need a little more motivation and guidance than others and that is where hiring a personal trainer will make a huge difference.
I get that people want to be fit and healthy, but there is so much information out there it can be overwhelming and one might not know where to start. This is where my job comes into play. Not only do personal trainers help you create a better looking, stronger, and more efficient body, but at the same time, we are also providing you with better health, disease prevention, stress relief and a better quality of life. (Just to name a few benefits!)
The solution is simple. Choose wisely what food you use to fuel your body with and get up and move. People make time for what is important in their lives it’s just all about what you are actually making a priority. You only get one body and you need to take care of it. Let me help you!
Maxwell Alexander:
And finally, what is your next big thing? Any hints on what we should expect from you in the near future?
Sophia Martelly:
It has always been a dream to incorporate my passion for the outdoors into my workouts. I would love to take clients hiking, biking, kayaking. We live in the beautiful Hudson Valley! Might as well take advantage of that. Taking this dream and making it a reality will be my next big thing. Not only are outdoor activities great for the body, but it’s also so freeing to the mind.
Maxwell Alexander:
Awesome and thank you, Sophia! We are looking forward to seeing more of those positive vibes from you! Let’s keep in touch and we’ll definitely follow up with you soon on your hiking adventures!