Tips for Losing Weight by Coach Maxwell Alexander

Easy Weight Loss Basics for Men and Women – New Book by Coach Maxwell Alexander

If you are looking for an easy way to lose weight, you are in the right place! Losing excess weight is no magical enterprise, rather it’s just a few pieces of information that you need to learn. You will have to do some work and learn more about yourself and your habits, especially if you got more than a few pounds to lose. We are creatures of habits, and the good news is that we have full control of them, the good ones and not so much.

By telling yourself that you will lose weight no matter what, you can make it easier on yourself. Choosing a start date for your new good habit of eating right and exercising regularly is like quitting an old bad habit and choosing a quit date.

Start keeping a journal of what you eat and how much exercise you get before your start date. You will be able to make the changes you need to lose weight by doing this.

Easy Weight Loss Basics for Men and Women – New Book by Coach Maxwell Alexander – Fitness and Bodybuilding Photography by Duncan Avenue Studios, New York
Easy Weight Loss Basics for Men and Women – New Book by Coach Maxwell Alexander 

Find out the number of calories in the food you are eating by getting a nutrition book. You should make a meal plan that is no more than 1500 – 1700 calories a day and plan out five small meals each day with approximately 300 calories in each meal. Depending on your fitness level, your body can process up to 500 calories per meal, otherwise, the food you eat is stored as fat.

To lose weight easily, you must take in fewer calories than your body thinks it needs on a daily basis. You can make it even better by adding a 30-minute walk to the mix three times a week.
If you are trying to lose weight quickly, walking is actually your best bet. Once you are in better shape, you can incorporate ankle and wrist weights. The use of weights will increase the level of difficulty and help you burn fat more effectively.

Metabolic rate plays a key role in determining whether you gain or lose weight. If your metabolism is slower, you will gain more weight, and if it is faster, you will lose more weight. Avoid starving yourself at all costs. If you starve yourself, your body will go into survival mode and hold on to what it has, making it virtually impossible for you to lose weight. Eating well is necessary to lose weight.

Get your metabolism going by eating a healthy breakfast every morning. If you follow the meal plan you have made, pack your snacks and lunches for when you are at work, then when you get home, have a nice healthy dinner. It’s okay to have another snack before bedtime if you find it necessary. You will lose weight naturally by eating every two to three hours.

Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. After you begin and start to see results, you will realize that you have found the easy ways to lose weight and you do not need fad diets or supposed magic potions.

To lose weight, you need to make healthy choices. That’s easier said than done for many people. But these tips should help get you started on the right path.

When it comes to weight loss, there are a lot of common misconceptions that can really sabotage your efforts. My new book “Easy Weight Loss Basics for Men and Women” on Amazon Kindle will introduce you to the easy basics of nutrition and exercise that help you lose weight with ease.

Easy Weight Loss Basics for Men and Women – New Book by Coach Maxwell Alexander
Easy Weight Loss Basics for Men and Women – New Book by Coach Maxwell Alexander