Hiking for Bodybuilding and General Fitness – Top 5 Benefits – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander

5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle

Natural bodybuilding isn’t just about how you look, it’s also about how you feel, which ultimately makes an even bigger difference in your life. One of the best ways to improve your health and physical fitness as a natural bodybuilder is to go hiking, as it will strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, reduce stress, and improve cardiovascular health. This article explains 5 specific benefits of hiking that are perfect for natural bodybuilders looking to be healthier inside and out.

Hiking for Bodybuilding and General Fitness – Top 5 Benefits – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by HARD SUPPS

1) Improve Lung Capacity

Lung capacity is defined as how much air your lungs can hold. You’ll want to be able to breathe deeply, so work on breathing control while doing moderate aerobic activities like hiking. When you breathe out, you should feel as if you are fully emptying your lungs. With time, your body will get used to taking full breaths. This will improve lung capacity over time, which helps when it comes to endurance training in general.

5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle
5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Fitness Model, Photographer, and Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle

2) Tone Your Glutes

An intense hike will give your glutes a serious burn. Not only do you engage your glutes to hike up a mountain, but they also get worked as you go downhill—your glutes keep firing to slow you down and control your speed so you don’t trip or fall. Hiking is an amazing way to build lean muscle mass and strength, which are key components of a healthy body. And because it works both your upper and lower body at once, it can be more effective than isolated exercises that focus on one area of your body at a time.

5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle
5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Fitness Model, Photographer, and Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle

3) Increase Flexibility

It’s a known fact that hiking can greatly improve your overall flexibility, which is especially useful if you’re into stretching before or after working out. Simply walking on uneven terrain can improve your mobility, while getting your body accustomed to being off-balance increases agility. All of these benefits work to make you more flexible when it comes to exercising—especially if you’re just starting out with weight training or a similar routine. You should always consult a physician before beginning any sort of exercise regimen, but hiking regularly could greatly reduce aches and pains associated with hard workouts.

5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle
5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Fitness Model, Photographer, and Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle

4) Strengthen Your Core

No, not your abs. I’m talking about your core muscles (also known as your core stabilizers). The core is made up of a group of muscles that support and move you around; everything from your quads to your glutes are part of it. Because it’s such an important group of muscles, strengthening them can lead to huge gains in athletic performance—not just for runners or swimmers but also for athletes like football players or bodybuilders. And these benefits extend beyond sports; a strong core can help prevent injuries from happening too. To strengthen all those important muscles, get outside! Not only will hiking help keep you in shape but it’ll also give you that fresh air we all need every now and then.

5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle
5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Fitness Model, Photographer, and Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle

5) Enjoy Stunning Views and Take Care of Your Mental Health

When you’re hiking in new areas, you always have a few surprises in store. One moment you’ll be gazing at a gorgeous mountain range and thinking, Wow, I couldn’t have imagined that view! A few minutes later, you’ll come across some kind of wonder—like an amazing waterfall—and start taking photos so you can share them with friends. My recent hike on the Mt. Beacon trail was just that. With all those twists and turns on your mind, it might take your body by surprise how much of a workout hiking actually is! But don’t let that deter you from exploring nature: hiking has great health benefits for both bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts and the mental health benefits of hiking are often underestimated.

5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle
5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander – Presented by "The Secrets of Natural Bodybuilding" on Amazon Kindle

Hudson Valley is a world-class hiking adventure destination with hundreds of amazing trails all over the area. Check out my other hiking and travel adventures here >> and stay tuned for the next one as well!

About Maxwell Alexander:

MA(FIT), BFA(SVA), BS (KSU), Photographer, Designer, NYS Licensed Realtor, FAA Licensed UAS Pilot, Certified Elite Fitness Trainer, Certified Bodybuilding Coach, Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist, Entrepreneur, Artist, and Author, Maxwell continues to elevate the brand and design strategies for hundreds of companies around the globe.

Born and raised in Siberia, Russia, Maxwell has always been fascinated by the Cosmic Intelligence of the natural world. His extensive education in Mechanical Engineering, Fine Art, Theory of Design, Theory of Visual Perception, Psychology, and Graduate Experiential Design along with a decade-long career working at the World’s largest organization for the advancement of technology, led to a fascinating next-level approach to writing and creating art related to the topics of spirituality, creativity, sexuality, social responsibility, sustainability, design, bodybuilding, and fitness motivation.

Photo Gallery: 5 Hiking Benefits for Bodybuilding and Fitness – Mt. Beacon Hike