Kettlebells have become increasingly popular in recent years, and the reasons why are easy to see. A kettlebell workout can help you improve your overall strength, endurance, and cardio health while increasing your mobility and flexibility, too. It’s no wonder so many people have begun putting kettlebells at the center of their workouts! This post explores 8 reasons why you need to include kettlebells in your workout routine today—if you aren’t already!
Top 8 Reasons Why You Need to Include Kettlebells in Your Workout Routine – Bodybuilding 101 with Coach Maxwell Alexander

1) It improves muscle tone
Muscle tone is great for a number of reasons, including better overall body composition and metabolism. Not only does muscle tone prevent you from adding extra fat, but it also helps your body look leaner as well. If you’re after a muscular build without looking bulky, kettlebell training can help. Resistance training like kettlebell exercises involves contracting muscles against some type of resistance (the weight of a kettlebell or dumbbell), and over time your muscles will respond by getting bigger and stronger. The more muscle you have on your frame, the more calories you burn at rest—and that’s just one reason why kettlebell training is worth considering.

2) Helps burn fat more effectively
Although kettlebell workouts do burn a lot of calories, they also boost your metabolism, which helps you burn even more calories. In one study, two groups of women exercised for two weeks—one group with kettlebell training and one without. The women who used kettlebells burned 52 percent more fat than those who did not. Plus, kettlebell workouts help build muscle mass and increase your resting metabolic rate by as much as 15 percent, both of which aid weight loss.
3) Burns more calories than other workouts
When using kettlebells, a substantial amount of calories are burned, making it a good option for those who want to lose weight. The results vary depending on how much you weigh and your exertion levels, but in general up to 500 calories can be burned by 45 minutes of exercise. In contrast, running only burns about 300 calories per hour—and if you have a large frame and high body fat content, that figure may be as low as 225. If you’re trying to get into shape, then kettlebell training is a good place to start.

4) Increases mobility in joints
Unlike weightlifting, kettlebells increase mobility in your joints. A study published by Dr. Stuart McGill found that kettlebell training can relieve pressure on joints and connective tissues by as much as 40 percent, making it an excellent way to build strength without building up joint pain. Not only does increased mobility keep you from developing chronic joint issues, but it also prevents your body from looking stiff and boxy—which is especially important if you’re trying to show off a muscular physique.
5) Improves coordination and balance
A kettlebell workout incorporates compound exercises that work for multiple muscle groups at once, which helps strengthen your body and improve overall coordination. For example, kettlebell swings include three major muscles of your lower body—your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps—while also working your core muscles. All these muscles are interconnected, so coordinating all of them makes it more likely you’ll be able to balance on one foot, or stay stable while running. Plus, training with kettlebells can help you improve your reaction time and react more quickly during workouts by requiring you to focus on stability throughout each move.

6) Weight loss without being boring!
While there are certainly ways to include kettlebell training into your current routine and lose weight, you’ll see a whole new set of benefits when you choose kettlebell training as your primary form of exercise. Make sure that your workout schedule is challenging and focused on improving strength, power, endurance, balance, and coordination. If you struggle with motivation or need some help incorporating these exercises into your routine, get a personal trainer for advice or hire someone to help you out for a short period of time. By adding kettlebell training as part of your workout regimen, you will have better results because it challenges more than just one muscle group at a time; it engages almost every muscle in addition to other body parts such as abs and grip strength while also providing cardiovascular benefit.
7) Gives you strength, stamina, and flexibility
Unlike other forms of exercise that focus on individual muscle groups, kettlebell training targets all muscles at once, says certified personal trainer Chris Freytag. It uses large muscle groups and engages your heart, lungs, and circulatory system, he explains. When you use kettlebells, your heart rate is generally elevated for an extended period of time. This means that you’re getting better at pumping blood throughout your body and aiding healthy circulation—both good things for overall health.

8) Makes you look amazing!
The benefits of kettlebell training don’t stop at your muscles. It’s no secret that a full-body workout will give you a killer physique, but did you know that kettlebell training can help tone your body faster than traditional weight-lifting? A recent study from Chosun University (Seoul, South Korea) found that those who do high-intensity interval training with kettlebells three times per week significantly increase their aerobic capacity and muscle strength without bulking up. One common misconception about weight lifting is that it will make you bulky; that’s simply not true! In fact, it takes a lot of time and effort to build muscle so it’s almost impossible to achieve by accident. All you need to lose weight is resistance training combined with enough cardio exercise. For amazing results: try these exercises for an incredible body in only six weeks!
Yes, I am serious!: Don’t waste hours wandering around a gym trying out various machines and hoping something sticks—use that valuable time wisely instead by focusing on exercises like swings, snatches, cleans, and jerks which target multiple muscle groups at once while getting your heart rate pumping fast. What’s more—you don’t even need expensive equipment like weights or machines because all you really need are two kettlebells: one heavier one for lower reps and another lighter one for higher reps.