The American Dream sans Green Turf Grass Lawn

Landida™ Smart Landscapes

by Maxwell Alexander, CEO & Founder, Landida™ Smart Landscapes

A luscious green lawn used to be a source of pride and a symbol of achieving the American Dream, well, at least for Babyboomers. They loved sugary drinks with artificial colors and flavors and dumped millions of tons of pesticides in their front yard to keep the grass greener on their side of the road, and neighbors jealous across the street.

Landida™ Smart Landscapes
Landida™ Smart Landscapes

Good news for the Planet: the new generation of homeowners is in town! Millennials are way more eco-conscious, know that climate change is an actual thing, they prefer being healthy and cannot stand pesticides or artificial flavors and colors in their food. Millennials are moving out of cities and taking over the suburbs and America’s landscape is changing as we speak… Literally!

Landida™ Smart Landscapes
Landida™ Smart Landscapes

While green turf grass is, unfortunately, still the most common lawn option, many homeowners in the United States and all around the World are drawn to the appeal of maintenance-free rock lawns. These gravel-based ground coverings are ideal for regions that are under watering restrictions due to drought (which is basically the entire Planet earth), or for homeowners who are just tired of constant mowing and inhaling pesticides/herbicides that come with their grass lawn. The installation process is similar to installing mulch or rock in a flower bed but encompasses the entire lawn instead. A rock lawn requires almost no ongoing maintenance and actually draws attention to the low-maintenance, evergreen shrubs and trees. In addition, Landida™ Smart Landscapes Rock Lawns look equally good in the winter as they do in the summer.

Landida™ Smart Landscapes Rock Lawn Benefits

Eliminating the grass from a lawn may seem like a drastic move, but it actually has many time saving and eco-friendly benefits.

  • Reduces the amount of time required to mow, water and fertilize the grass.
  • Conserves water by eliminating the need to water the lawn.
  • Reduces or completely eliminates pesticides applied to the lawn.
  • Reduces the amount of yard waste, such as grass, leaves and pine needles, that is sent to the landfill.

Some cities located in drought-prone areas of the Southwest even provide tax breaks for homeowners who replace their lawn with rock or gravel. This incentive strives to conserve as much water as possible for human consumption.

Landida™ Smart Landscapes
Landida™ Smart Landscapes