I’ve heard people say that they want to work from home mainly for the following reason: they are able to work only when they want to. Even though you can set your own work hours when you work at home, that does not mean you don’t have to adhere to a schedule.
Work schedules that are hit or miss…or worse, no schedule at all, simply will not work. Time is of the essence! It’s your time!
Millennials – The Balancing Act of Working from Home – New Book by Maxwell Alexander
Working from home can be a very, very good thing. When the kids leave for school, you can be at home to see them off and then pick them up after school. You can run through the cycles while doing work while the laundry is being washed.
Dinner can be prepared before a hungry family descends like a flock of hungry buzzards. All of those things are real perks that you automatically get when you work at home.
It can also be a very, very bad thing to work from home if you do not plan your time well and if you do not create a schedule that you and your family can live with. Time is of the essence when you work from home.
You need to make very good use of the time you spend working. If you do not accomplish the tasks efficiently, you will either waste too much time working or you will fail miserably at your work-at-home job or business.
When you work at home, you must set up a work schedule for yourself, enforce that schedule for yourself, and insist that your family and friends also follow the schedule.
In the brick-and-mortar world, a job performs two functions; (1) it provides structure to your day, and (2) it demonstrates to your family and friends that your time is spoken for during your working hours. Regular jobs provide you with both of these benefits, which are related to your TIME.
Let’s discuss the structure that a regular job provides and how you can apply that structure to your work-at-home job or business. Outside your home, if you have a job, you’re required to be there at a certain time on certain days.
A work-at-home business or job requires the same structure. Establish regular working hours. Work-from-home jobs provide the freedom of choosing your own hours…but you do have to decide!
Let’s talk about your family and friends and how they will perceive your work-at-home job. Your dear mother would never call you at your ‘real’ job and ask you to take Aunt Rosie to the beauty salon and wait for her….after all….you are working and can’t be expected to leave your job for errands. Correct?
When you are working at home, your same considerate mother WILL ask you to take Aunt Rosie to the beauty shop and wait for her. How? You are at home and available, so that’s why.
The work-at-home job you do will not be considered a real job by your dear, sweet mother. Additionally, your spouse will see you as being free to run errands. It will be easy for your friends to reach you for long telephone conversations, lunches, or coffee klatches.
The problem is obvious. Others will not follow your schedule if you do not schedule your time. If you do not see your work-at-home job as a REAL job with REAL working hours, your time will be eaten up. If you don’t accomplish the tasks you need to accomplish, you will fail.
Then you will fail and find yourself out looking for a real job unless you see your work-at-home job as the REAL THING with regular working hours that make you unavailable for other activities.
With your work-at-home job or business, it is best to make a schedule and inform your family and friends of it.
You don’t have to be rude, but you must be firm. Make it clear to everyone. “I will be working from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday.”. During those days and hours, I am not available to run errands, answer personal phone calls, or entertain the company.
If you need more advice on how to improve your work-at-home situation, consider my new book “Millennials: The Balancing Act of Working from Home“. This book is an essential guide for working from home and in any other remote work environment. It covers everything from managing your remote work and understanding the necessary tools and techniques to staying in touch with your people back in HQ. The book also has a personal touch by giving examples of how to find work that aligns with your skills and passions.
The millennial generation has become a leading economic force behind many of the current business and cultural trends with generation Z following in its footsteps. Millennials are more globally cultured, educated, and independent in their view of the World. Freedom is a lot of value to us and therefore 9 to 5 employment contraption of the previous generation looks more like glorified slavery. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the hugely popular trend of working from home and Millennials are at the forefront of creating the new normal: a global workforce of remote independent contractors with a brand new work/life reality that hasn’t existed before.
I’ve been working from home for over 5 years now, and just very recently I started to get the most out of it, so I am thrilled to present “Millennials: The Balancing Act of Working from Home” eBook which is a great resource to get you up to speed on Working From Home Lifestyle in way less than 5 years 🙂