The Hudson River Valley has been ranked the best place to live in the United States by multiple sources. At the same time, it’s also one of the most competitive real estate markets in the country, and housing prices are high to match. Whether you’re looking for your first house or your fifth, here are some tips that will make your search as successful as possible and help you find a home that suits your needs.
The Secrets to House Hunting in Hudson River Valley – Real Estate 101 with Hudson Valley Real Estate Broker Dino Alexander, CEO, ALLUVION INC.
Zillow isn’t all it seems
Before you start visiting homes, don’t forget that Zillow is a great tool but isn’t completely accurate. Many private home sellers will list Zestimates as asking prices on their listing and these are not real market prices—don’t let them fool you! Real estate professionals can provide detailed information about local trends and hot spots, so work with professional realtors to get a grip on the market prices. A good agent can help you understand what is actually selling and at what price.
Create an Open House Schedule
The best way to do that is by creating an open house schedule—making it easy for you to get a sense of your soon-to-be home when you’re most likely available and excited about seeing it. Plan at least four open houses during different times of day, on different days of the week.
Set Up Your Own Personal Showings
If you’re serious about buying a house, you can save a lot of frustration by setting up your own personal showings. A good real estate agent will work around your schedule and create a list of at least 3 properties to see in the same area so that it is worth the trip from New York City.
Take Notes on What You Like
There’s no such thing as a perfect house, but knowing what you want and don’t want will help you narrow down your search. Is there a certain area of town that feels like home? Do you have a preferred style? What are your must-haves, your luxuries, and which can you do without? A list of what it takes for you to feel happy at home will help out later on.
Online Searching
When house hunting in the Hudson Valley, spend a lot of time researching online. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can gather a tremendous amount of information about a region, its schools, shopping areas, and even local history. Start by visiting local real estate agencies’ sites and sort through their featured properties or search for house hunting lists like those featured in the Hudson Valley Style Magazine.
Brokers and Agents Are Amazing Resources
If you’re moving to a new area, don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for referrals. Realtors can also help (and they won’t want your business if they aren’t genuinely interested in helping you find what you need). If a house sounds too good to be true, it probably is—so always make sure that your agent isn’t working with someone else!
Start Late (Yup, Late!)
The beginning of spring, when real estate season begins, is usually a hectic time. While there are many who will tell you it’s best to start house hunting early, there are others who believe that rushing into buying a home before finding your perfect one is not a good idea. One of these people is me!
Don’t Rush Into Anything
Whether you’re in Hudson River Valley, NY, or a different part of New York, buying a home is probably one of your biggest investments ever. For some people, it’s even their biggest investment ever. That means it’s incredibly important to take your time and find something that works for you. It could be love at first sight with a place as soon as you step foot inside, but more often than not it takes some time before finding that perfect home.
Go With Instincts
One of my favorite sayings is Trust your gut. Whether you’re house hunting or buying a new pair of shoes, it’s important that you follow your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and move on—it’s better to do an extra day of searching than to settle for a home that you don’t love just because you found it first. Never settle for anything less than perfect!