How Corporations Gaslight Consumers Into Submission – Read this Before Your Next Customer Service Call

How Corporations Gaslight Consumers Into Submission – Read this Before Your Next Customer Service Call

Gaslighting is a tactic used by corporations, in which they manipulate and deceive their customers, employees, and the general public in order to maintain power and control. This tactic is particularly harmful to the mental health of individuals and the nation as a whole.

How Corporations Gaslight Consumers Into Submission – Read this Before Your Next Customer Service Call – By Maxwell Alexander, EIC, Hudson Valley Style Mag

Corporations may use gaslighting in a variety of ways. For example, they may deny the existence of a problem, such as a defect in a product or a toxic work environment, in order to avoid accountability. They may also manipulate data or information to fit their narrative and mislead the public. In addition, they may use propaganda and disinformation to influence public opinion and create a false sense of reality.

The effects of gaslighting can be devastating for individuals, as it can lead to feelings of confusion, doubt, and mistrust. It can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Furthermore, gaslighting can undermine democracy by eroding public trust in institutions and creating a culture of cynicism and apathy.

The use of gaslighting by corporations also has significant implications for the nation as a whole. It can lead to the erosion of civil liberties, the suppression of dissent, and the manipulation of public opinion to serve the interests of the powerful. Moreover, it can have a detrimental effect on the economy, as it can lead to the exploitation of workers, the suppression of innovation, and the suppression of the free market.

Gaslighting is a dangerous tactic used by corporations that can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole. It is important for individuals to be aware of these tactics and to take steps to protect themselves, such as seeking out credible sources of information and being critical of corporate messaging. Furthermore, it is important for the government and civil society to take steps to counter these tactics, such as strengthening regulations and oversight of corporations and supporting independent media and fact-checking organizations.

The concept of corporate gaslighting has become all too familiar in our current consumer culture. We’ve all experienced the corporate bigotry and outrageous customer service tactics that companies use to make us feel small and powerless. Whether it’s being put on hold for hours or being told that the company “does not tolerate profanity”, these are all attempts to manipulate us into submission and make us feel like we have no control. In this blog post, we’ll explore how corporations gaslight consumers into submission and why it is so important for us to be aware of these tactics.

Tricks that customer service representatives use

One of the most common tricks customer service representatives use to gaslight consumers into submission is mind control. This involves the practice of making consumers wait for long periods of time on the phone or online. By making consumers wait, customer service representatives can instill a sense of powerlessness in the consumer and make them feel like they are at their mercy. This can also lead to frustration and a feeling that there is no choice but to accept what the customer service representative says and settle for less, even if it’s bad for you.

In addition to making consumers wait, customer service representatives may also be using subtle mind control techniques such as repeating themselves, talking over the consumer, or speaking in a condescending tone. These practices all contribute to the goal of making consumers feel powerless and submissive.

Other tactics used by customer service representatives to gaslight consumers include creating policies that put customers on edge. A common example of this type of policy is “we do not tolerate profanity.” While this policy sounds reasonable and perhaps looks like corporations are keeping their customer service employees’ well-being in mind (which is a total lie, perhaps instead they should try to pay them reasonable wages above the poverty line?), the situation puts frustrated customers in an uncomfortable position, as if they must constantly worry about their language while communicating with customer service personnel. This policy contributes to the mind control tactics used by customer service personnel, as it subtly conveys the message that any offense towards the mighty corporation will not be tolerated.

Additionally, another tactic used by some customer service representatives is limiting the amount of information available to consumers about certain products or services. When done strategically, this can manipulate customers into making decisions before fully understanding the consequences, like having an easy and simple solution that just costs an additional $4.99 a month, when the free solution is in fact available and is just a few clicks away. All of these tactics come together to create an environment where customers are under the psychological manipulation of customer service personnel, leading them to submit to whatever the company wants: more of your money to be exact.

Policies that are designed to make you feel powerless

Gaslighting is a form of mind control used by corporations to manipulate consumers into submission. Companies often employ policies designed to make consumers feel small, powerless, and uncomfortable, such as making consumers call phone customer service to cancel or modify a service that they originally signed up for online.

These policies are designed to give the corporation an opportunity for psychological gaslighting attacks over the phone and make the consumer feel like their opinion doesn’t matter, that their feelings don’t matter and that their complaints are invalid. The companies hope that the consumer will eventually give in, thinking that it’s not worth it to fight against the system. Furthermore, it sends a message that the company is all-powerful and that they control the situation which in other circumstances could be considered psychological warfare, but our society is well brainwashed enough to not see it that way.

It’s a shame that companies resort to gaslighting tactics in order to gain an advantage. Consumers should never feel like they are being forced into submission, and these policies are just one-way companies try to do so. Understanding how these policies work is the first step to fighting back and asserting your rights as a consumer.

The goal of gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation intended to control another person’s thoughts and feelings. By using techniques like making you feel powerless and reducing your self-esteem, corporations can gaslight consumers into submission. This mind control technique is intended to keep customers in line and compliant with the company’s policies, rather than challenging them or pushing back against injustice. By manipulating the consumer’s perception of reality, companies can make them believe that their complaints are unfounded and even cause them to doubt their own instincts.

Gaslighting has been used for decades by large corporations as a means of intimidating and controlling customers, and it continues to be employed today. This manipulation can take on many forms, from customer service tricks like making you wait on hold for hours or having to call back multiple times for a resolution to policy changes that make it seem like you’re breaking the rules by swearing or voicing your opinion. Even the way sales associates speak to customers can be designed to make them feel small and powerless. Ultimately, the goal of gaslighting is to make the consumer doubt their own thoughts and actions so they will remain compliant and submissive, allowing corporations to maintain power and control over their customers.

Why it works

Gaslighting is an effective way for corporations to exercise mind control over their customers. By making customers feel like they have no power, corporations are able to manipulate customers into submission. This is because when people feel powerless, they will often do whatever it takes to regain a sense of control, even if it means doing something that is not in their best interest.

In addition, gaslighting also works by preying on people’s fear of being judged or seen as wrong. By making customers feel like they are in the wrong, corporations are able to convince them to accept their terms and conditions. This further enables corporations to remain in control and manipulate customers into submission.

Lastly, gaslighting works because it creates a sense of dependency on the corporation. By making customers feel like they can’t go anywhere else for the same product or service, corporations are able to trap customers in their grasp and keep them from leaving. In this way, corporations are able to maintain their power over their customers.

Overall, gaslighting is an effective way for corporations to exercise mind control over their customers. By making them feel powerless, judged, and dependent, corporations are able to manipulate consumers into submission and remain in control.

How Corporations Gaslight Consumers Into Submission – Read this Before Your Next Customer Service Call
How Corporations Gaslight Consumers Into Submission – Read this Before Your Next Customer Service Call

How corporate gaslighting affects mental health

Here is one of the reasons that the United States is one of the unhappiest countries in the World: The insidious psychological manipulation of corporations can have far-reaching consequences for consumers. Gaslighting, the act of manipulating someone into questioning their own reality and perception, can have a damaging effect on an individual’s mental health. It has been likened to mind control as it erodes an individual’s sense of security, identity, and self-worth. It can leave victims feeling confused and powerless.
Gaslighting is especially concerning when used by corporations through social media. With the power of their brand, resources, and personnel, companies can wield a great deal of influence over consumers and the public through social media channels. Not only do they try to control people’s decisions, but also how they feel about themselves. This type of manipulation can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, guilt, and shame which can be hard to overcome without professional help.
Moreover, corporate gaslighting may also create an environment where individuals are afraid to speak out or express their opinion. Companies may use tactics like silencing people who disagree with them or making them feel like their views don’t matter. This can have a lasting psychological impact and further reduce people’s self-confidence and sense of worth.
When corporations use manipulative tactics to control the public, it is essential to recognize the signs of gaslighting and take action. It is important to stand up for yourself and others in the face of this form of psychological abuse. Speak up against oppressive policies or customer service representatives that try to control you. Taking action is the first step towards regaining your power and protecting your mental health.

How to fight back

When it comes to fighting back against corporate gaslighting, the first step is to take control of your own mind. It can be easy to fall into the trap of believing what a customer service representative says, even if it goes against your intuition or knowledge. You must remember that customer service representatives are not always correct, and they may be using deceptive tactics in order to get you to agree with their point of view or simply sell more products or services you don’t really need.

Simple tips to avoid being gaslighted by a mindless corporation:

  • Do not signup for services that can not be canceled or returned online. Find the location of the cancellation page and find the “cancel” button itself, before even considering a service/product.
  • Next time you are on the phone and they are asking you “May I place you on hold for a few minutes while I pull up your account?”, answer “No! Are you actively using gaslighting tactics on me?”. Of course, they will say no, but the following interaction will be closer to your terms.

The next step is to make sure you document every interaction you have with customer service. Record phone conversations (and do let them know that you are recording them), keep emails and save any other type of communication. This will provide you with evidence should you decide to take further action by going public about an incident.

Finally, it’s important to remember that customer service representatives do not have the power to control your actions. They are not in charge of your decisions and they cannot force you to do something you don’t want to do. It is your right to refuse any offer made by customer service and to follow through with what you believe is best for yourself. Don’t let them manipulate or mind-control you into submission.