Celebrate Pride with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology

Celebrate Pride with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

Raise Your Glass to Pride Month with a Touch of Hudson Valley Magic!

Hello, darlings! 🌈 This Pride Month, let’s toast to love, authenticity, and the vibrant community we all cherish with a cocktail that screams fabulous. Allow me to introduce the Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer, a dazzling concoction crafted with the exquisite 2022 Riesling from Brotherhood Winery and garnished with a burst of color. This drink is not just a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes, perfect for your next Pride celebration or a glamorous night in.

Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills


  • 2 oz Brotherhood Winery 2022 Riesling
  • 1 oz Hudson Valley Honey Syrup
  • 2 oz Sparkling Water
  • Ice Cubes
  • 1 Fresh Orange Slice Wheel
  • Fresh Mint Sprig (optional)
  • Edible Glitter for Extra Sparkle (optional)
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

The Recipe:

  1. Prep Your Glasses: Start with two elegant highball glasses to give your cocktail the presentation it deserves. Fill each glass with ice cubes until they’re about three-quarters full.
  2. Add the Sweet Touch: Pour 1 oz of Hudson Valley Honey Syrup into each glass. This syrup adds a local, artisanal sweetness that perfectly balances the crispness of the Riesling.
  3. Riesling Magic: Gently pour 2 oz of the Brotherhood Winery 2022 Riesling into each glass. This vintage boasts notes of green apple and pear, with a hint of floral undertones, making it the star of our spritzer.

    Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
    Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
  4. Bubbles and Fizz: Top off each glass with 2 oz of sparkling water. The bubbles will lift the flavors and add a refreshing effervescence that dances on your palate.
  5. Garnish Glam: Slide a fresh orange slice wheel into each glass for that vibrant pop of color. Not only does it look stunning, but it also infuses the drink with a subtle citrus aroma.
  6. Optional Finishing Touches: For that extra touch of glamour, add a sprig of fresh mint and a pinch of edible glitter. Because why not? It’s Pride Month, and everything deserves a bit of sparkle!
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

Why You’ll Love It:

The Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer is more than just a drinkβ€”it’s an experience. The locally sourced Riesling from Brotherhood Winery, known as America’s oldest winery, provides a delightful base with its crisp and slightly sweet profile. The Hudson Valley Honey Syrup adds depth and a touch of local flavor, while the sparkling water lightens the mix, making it perfect for any summer gathering.

Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

The fresh orange slice not only enhances the visual appeal but also introduces a zesty note that complements the Riesling beautifully. Whether you’re hosting a Pride party or enjoying a quiet evening, this cocktail is a celebration in a glass.

Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

Cheers to Authenticity and Love!

As we raise our glasses this Pride Month, let’s celebrate the vibrant diversity that makes our community so special. Here’s to living authentically, loving fiercely, and always finding reasons to celebrate.

Until next time, stay fabulous!
Cheers, Maxwell

Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills
Celebrate Pride Month with the Fabulous Hudson Valley Citrus Sparkle Spritzer! – Mixology with Maxwell Alexander – Photography by Maxwell Alexander for Alluvion Media – Presented by Alluvion Vacations – Best Pride Month Getaways in the Hudson Valley and Catskills