The 5 Best Tips for Kettlebell Training – with Coach Maxwell Alexander

The 5 Best Tips for Kettlebell Training + Kettlebell Workout Video by Coach Maxwell Alexander

People who do kettlebell training lose a lot of excess fat from their bodies remarkably fast. Professional athletes also use it as part of their workout routine. It’s better to train with kettlebells than boring old dumbbells and cables. Because of that, many people ignore the possibility that kettlebells are dangerous, too, if misused. […]

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How to design your kitchen like a Millennial - 2019 Kitchen Design Trends - Hudson Valley Style Magazine by Designer Maxwell Alexander, Editor in Chief, Hudson Valley Style Magazine

How to design your kitchen like a Millennial – Kitchen Design Trends by Hudson Valley Style Magazine

How to design your kitchen like a Millennial – Kitchen Design Trends – Hudson Valley Style Magazine by Designer Maxwell Alexander, Editor in Chief, Hudson Valley Style Magazine Ah, Millennials, it warms my heart writing about Us – the most consciously awaken generation humans produced so far. We literally design the world around us […]

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