Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino Alexander

Today I am enjoying the company of the amazing Chelsea Weyant, the owner and beauty expert of Cherie Beauty Lunge. She is an eyebrow sculpting master certified in Microblading and Nano Shading and she shared some great insight and advice when it comes to permanent makeup, how to prepare and what to expect from the services.

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant (Cherie Beauty Lounge) – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino AlexanderPhotography by Maxwell Alexander – Duncan Avenue Studios

Dino: We know the meaning of the words permanent and makeup separately but what does it mean together? Is it makeup you can’t remove, ever?

Chelsea: Permanent Makeup is a form of cosmetic tattooing. Cosmetic tattoos are more like “semi” permanent tattoos because they do fade over time. They won’t disappear completely, but they will eventually fade. You can have BAD permanent makeup removed by a qualified technician, same as you would a body tattoo that you aren’t happy with.

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino Alexander
Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant (Cherie Beauty Lounge) – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino AlexanderPhotography by Maxwell Alexander – Duncan Avenue Studios

Dino: Is there any training and certification needed to do permanent makeup?

Chelsea: Every state and county regulates permanent makeup and tattooing differently. Generally speaking, one would need to complete an in-person training and certification, a bloodborne pathogens training, and practice on several models before taking a paying client. It is also strongly encouraged to have liability insurance.

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino Alexander
Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant (Cherie Beauty Lounge) – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino AlexanderPhotography by Maxwell Alexander – Duncan Avenue Studios

Dino: Why did you decide to start this business on your own rather than joining an established local spa maybe?

Chelsea: In our area, there aren’t many microblading artists or master artists. Microblading and permanent makeup is a skill that with a cosmetology background, and a natural eye for makeup/esthetics, you can definitely go out on your own without working for someone. I decided after I completed two different Microblading and Nano Brow certifications that I would start my own business vs trying to find a salon to work for. It is that type of determination and confidence that has gotten me this far!

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino Alexander
Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant (Cherie Beauty Lounge) – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino AlexanderPhotography by Maxwell Alexander – Duncan Avenue Studios

Dino: What are the types of services you provide? And what is the one you enjoy doing the most?

Chelsea: Currently, we offer Microblading & Shading, Brow Lamination, Brow Waxing, Brow Tinting, and Shaping as Nano Brows in July! I love Microblading best, but I truly love all of the services offered. Anything to make someone else feel more beautiful is what truly makes it most enjoyable.

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant (Cherie Beauty Lounge) – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino AlexanderPhotography by Maxwell Alexander – Duncan Avenue Studios

Dino: What’s the first thing a client can expect at the appointment?

Chelsea: At the first appointment, a client can expect an in-depth consultation to find out exactly what they are looking for as well as realistic expectations. Brow Technicians can enhance your brows, but we aren’t magicians and it’s important to understand what looks can and can’t be achieved.

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant (Cherie Beauty Lounge) – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino AlexanderPhotography by Maxwell Alexander – Duncan Avenue Studios

To be continued… Read the full interview in the September issue of Hudson Valley Style Magazine.

Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino Alexander
Interview with the eyebrow sculpting master and beauty expert Chelsea Weyant – Hudson Valley beauty with Dino Alexander