This is our wellness issue. What is wellness and beauty to you? How has your definition and understanding of wellness and beauty changed over time?
Wellness is health and vitality on all levels: physical, mental, and spiritual. Looking for the root causes of any issues, and going deep, if necessary, to heal. My definition of beauty has deepened over time. For me, it’s almost more of a feeling, an energy. It goes way beyond what we see on TV or in magazines. In fact, I got rid of my TV a few years ago, and have never felt more at peace with myself. One of the reasons I love spending time in the Hudson Valley is the beauty. Nature makes me feel more connected to myself. To me, true beauty is serenity, vitality, health, and centeredness. It’s being open to the good in myself, and to the good in others. When we cultivate the positive vibrations within ourselves, we radiate a different frequency. When we live from a centered, heart-felt place, others can see and feel it, and it shows up: in our eyes, in our skin, in how we are present. True presence is a thing of beauty.