10 Top Reasons why Professional Photography and Videography is Important in Social Media Marketing

10 Top Reasons why Professional Photography and Videography is Important in Social Media Marketing – Presented by Duncan Avenue Studios

10 Top Reasons why Professional Photography and Videography is Important in Social Media Marketing – Social Media Marketing That Converts – Presented by Duncan Avenue Studios

What does it take to make your social media marketing efforts successful? Quality content, of course! It’s been shown time and again that the best way to engage with your audience and drive traffic back to your site is to publish videos and photos on your Facebook page or Instagram account. But as we all know, good photography and videography aren’t cheap. If you’re looking to start investing in high-quality content, check out our tips below on why professional photography and videography are important in Social Media Marketing! Our team at Duncan Avenue Studios will be sure to set you upright!

1) Professional social media content gets you more engagement

Engagement is a cornerstone of social media success. The more engagement you have, which can be measured by likes, shares, retweets, comments, and so on, means your content has better chance of being seen by a greater number of people. If you run a small business or organization chances are that your budget for photos and videos to create branded media (posts/blog posts/tweets/video clips) might be limited; not having money shouldn’t stop you from having professional quality local content. Duncan Avenue Studios has used its expertise to save small businesses tens of thousands of dollars on photo & video projects while maintaining high-quality results.

2) Professional photography and videos make you look trustworthy

Investing in professional content, such as videos or photos, for your social media channels is a great way to show your customers that you mean business. Let’s face it: if you have a pretty picture of your products that someone took with their iPhone, it makes you look amateurish. When potential customers see that they can invest their time into becoming loyal consumers of your brand based on what they see online, they’re more likely to become paying customers. Professional content also has another added benefit: customer confidence, and professional local content gives you an unparalleled SEO boost right away!

3) Professional content gives your brand a human touch

It's all too easy to create a social media account and start posting pictures, but that rarely achieves meaningful engagement. Professional content can be a more effective way to communicate your brand values. A good photographer or videographer will help you communicate these ideas through images or video (or both). Duncan Avenue Studios is at its best when we're working with clients to develop their brand. Sure, we take our own creative liberties every now and then, but by developing your brand using our strategic approach, we put it on the right path from day one. Consider us your partner as you tell your story—we’ll be there every step of the way!

4) Professional social media content is something to be proud of

We know it’s not easy to keep up with all of your social networks. You probably spend a few hours every day trying to figure out where you’re going to post next and what you want your readers to know about you, your product, or your service. We’re here to help! Duncan Avenue Studios has been creating professional content for businesses since 2015, so we’ve learned quite a bit over time. We have plenty of tips on how social media should be used, what kind of images work best, how to work with influencers, and how you can tell stories through video—the list goes on.

5) Professional photos and videos position you as an expert

Going pro gives you an opportunity to position yourself as an expert. Real estate agents, fashion designers, financial planners, roofers—they’re all experts in their respective fields. Adding images or video taken by a professional lifestyle photographer you hired positions you as someone who knows what he or she is doing—someone to be trusted and consulted. This image lends itself to potential clients going through your social media pages, learning more about your business, and deciding that they need your help. All of which leads back to: Professional content that helps build trust with potential clients!

6) Professional content makes you stand out from the crowd

The more original local content Duncan Avenue Studios creates for you, especially images, videos, and graphics, shows your audience that you’re different from everyone else. This makes it easier for people to recognize you as an expert in your field of interest while giving your posts a viral boost. Hiring a pro to handle your social media visuals frees up time for actually creating content related to your business, which on its own is a huge expense. Additionally, a crisp professional image or creative video will help with conversions: Your social media presence should be about showcasing value – being helpful or providing answers for questions potential customers may have. An original image or video goes far beyond a link or text-based post by showing off what your business does best instead of just talking about it.

7) Professional photos and videos build trust on eCommerce websites

If you’re running an eCommerce site, then you already know how critical high-quality product photos are. Studies have shown that shoppers make their buying decisions in just 90 seconds—and part of that time involves examining images on your product page. A good image does more than sell your item; it also builds trust. The more a shopper feels like they know what they’re getting ahead of time, the less likely they are to leave your site with questions or concerns unanswered. If there’s even a hint of doubt present when it comes to size, color, or performance expectations, many buyers will simply move on. Professional images can take those worries away for customers and boost engagement levels as well by reinforcing brand identity through stylish imagery. Duncan Avenue Studios provides professional product photography options with our monthly "Do It The Right Way Plan".

8) Professional photos and videos attract influencers

Influencers are a powerful resource for bloggers and social media users, who see these people as credible sources. Social Media Influencer Campaigns can help you spread your message to hundreds or thousands of people with just one post on their social media account. If you want them to pay attention to your business, they’ll need great photos to use. High-quality images featuring real people make it more personal, relatable, and believable, which makes it more likely that influencers will share your message with their followers. Professional photos help bloggers tell better stories: It’s no secret that influencer marketing is all about storytelling. On top of everything, Duncan Avenue Studios' Social Media Management Packages include influencer shoutouts reaching over 200K users per month.

9) Professional photos help with SEO rankings

It’s an added perk that your business can benefit from. The more complete your online profiles are, including Yelp reviews, social media links, and website photos, the better off you’ll be with search engine rankings. Professionally taken photos make it easier for customers to find you online as well. When potential customers type a business name into a search engine like Google or Yahoo! they will often look for images alongside text results. Duncan Avenue Studios generates photo and video content geotagged in your business location, which is an extremely important factor when it comes to ranking content by search engines. Local content often goes viral on social media and is delivered on the very top of search results by search engines, because it is ranked as trustworthy, unlike the stock photo and video content that's been used by thousands of companies a million times.

10) We need beautiful things in this world, don’t we?

Beauty is difficult to define, yet we know it when we see it. That’s because beauty lies deep within us, ingrained into our biology. We need beautiful things around us. We crave them; they make us happy, which in turn drives consumption. They help build memories; they open up opportunities for social interaction. But most importantly, they represent possibilities: hope for a bright future, the anticipation of better times ahead, a reminder that everything will be alright eventually. For these reasons—and more—we need beautiful things.

Duncan Avenue Studios is your one-stop solution for your social media marketing and professional content production needs. Reach out to us today at 845-518-2750 or duncanavenue.com/contact

We manage your social media. Duncan Avenue Studios is a bespoke social media management company that helps small businesses grow through consistent, on-point professional content that drives leads and sales. With over 8 years of experience, our team has proven track records of growing brands on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more. Discover how we can make your business grow.