The Patriarchal Foundations of Bodybuilding Competitions – by Maxwell Alexander, Fitness Model, MA, BFA, Author, Artist, Photographer, Designer, Activist, Certified Fitness Trainer, Bodybuilding and Sports Nutrition Coach

What Happened to Bodybuilding Competitions? The Decline of a Hypermasculine Sport and the Rise of a New Era

Bodybuilding competitions once stood as a testament to extreme physical discipline, showcasing the most muscular, powerful men in the world. Platforms like Mr. Olympia turned athletes into icons, and bodybuilding was seen as the ultimate expression of (toxic) masculinity. But today, these competitions are fading into obscurity, following the same path as beauty pageants—which […]

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The Sacred Awakening: A Dance of Rebirth in the Hudson Valley – Photo Story by Photographer Maxwell Alexander

As the bitter touch of winter recedes and the earth emerges from its icy slumber, the Hudson Valley blossoms with the vibrant colors and delicate fragrances of spring. This wondrous transformation, a testament to the resilience of life, mirrors the spiritual journey each of us embarks upon as we seek renewal and growth in […]

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